




According to “化名”, the founder of the brand, the inspiration for the name “七嘴八舌” came from a local folk tale. In the tale, a group of villagers were arguing over which of their crops was the best. As they argued loudly, their voices became so jumbled that they sounded like “seven mouths and eight tongues” (七嘴八舌). 化名 saw the humor in the situation and decided to name his new cigarette brand after the tale.


From the beginning, “七嘴八舌” was positioned as a down-to-earth and approachable brand, targeting the mass market in rural areas. The brand’s logo features a simple and recognizable image of a group of people talking, capturing the essence of the brand’s name.

Marketing Strategy

In recent years, “七嘴八舌” has adopted a number of innovative marketing strategies to differentiate itself in the crowded tobacco industry. One of the most successful has been its use of local celebrities and grassroots influencers. By partnering with local opinion leaders and community members, the brand has been able to build a strong connection with its target audience.

Another key aspect of “七嘴八舌”‘s marketing strategy has been its focus on social media. The brand has a strong presence on platforms such as WeChat and Weibo, where it engages with consumers, shares brand stories, and hosts online events. This digital approach has helped the brand to reach a wider audience, particularly among younger consumers.

Product Innovation

In addition to its marketing efforts, “七嘴八舌” has also invested heavily in product innovation. The brand offers a wide range of products, including cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes. In recent years, it has introduced a number of new products that cater to the changing tastes of consumers, such as low-tar cigarettes and flavored e-cigarettes.

Market Performance

The marketing and product innovation strategies of “七嘴八舌” have paid off in terms of market performance. In recent years, the brand has seen a steady increase in sales and market share. It is now one of the leading cigarette brands in China, particularly in rural areas.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite its success, “七嘴八舌” faces a number of challenges in the future. The tobacco industry is facing increasing regulatory pressure, and there is a growing trend towards smoking cessation. To address these challenges, the brand will need to continue to innovate and adapt its marketing strategies.

One potential growth area for “七嘴八舌” is the e-cigarette market. E-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular, particularly among younger consumers. By expanding its product line to include e-cigarettes, “七嘴八舌” can tap into a new market and potentially offset any decline in cigarette sales.

Another potential growth area for the brand is international expansion. “七嘴八舌” has already begun to export its products to a number of countries in Southeast Asia. By continuing to expand its international presence, the brand can further increase its market share and become a truly global brand.


“七嘴八舌” is a unique and successful cigarette brand that has captured the attention of consumers and industry insiders alike. Through its innovative marketing strategies and product development, the brand has established itself as a leading player in the Chinese tobacco market.

As the tobacco industry continues to evolve, “七嘴八舌” will need to adapt and innovate in order to maintain its success. By leveraging its strong brand identity and focusing on new growth areas, the brand has the potential to continue to be a force in the tobacco industry for many years to come.

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